For this edition of the OICH newsletter, we wanted to highlight a program that has been making us proud! Our Merivale Supportive Living building opened with Shepherds of Good Hope in March 2023. It houses 56 clients who come directly from shelter. The staff and clients at Merivale have been working incredibly hard to settle and stabilize, navigating challenging and complex hurdles along the way. Their hard work has created not just housing, but a home for these wonderful folks who have been working hard to integrate into the Merivale community. People who visit Merivale and knew these clients before they moved in always comment on how settled, conversant and engaged they are. The clients regularly meet, develop and implement plans to improve both the internal and external communities. It is important to them to be part of the solution to community challenges. They have worked hard to help the community understand who they are and how far they have come. While Merivale has so many incredible staff working there, we wanted to give a special shoutout to Mary who has been doing some incredible community development work with the clients that live there. Thanks, Mary!