Block Leaders
How do you restore balance in a community which has been devastated by poverty, homelessness, the toxic drug overdose crisis and COVID measures? How can those who are often seen as “the problem” become leaders in the solutions? The Block Leader Initiative was an idea that came from the community. It is an investment in developing leaders from the homeless and substance-using communities and supporting their efforts to restore positive aspects of street culture and thereby reduce social disorder using a “by us, for us” approach.
Beginning in July of 2023, Block Leaders performed acts of community service intended to improve the safety and well-being of everyone who lives, works or visits the Byward Market 7 days a week. While some of the work is practical, such as handing out water on hot days or picking up garbage in the neighbourhood, the primary focus of their work is creating positive human connections through modelling compassion and kindness. The program has only grown, and we are excited to see what it will become!